Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Melissa! =)


Mar 10th
is the result of wanting
no work over break.

Yes, the end of the semester is in sight!  Well, sort of!  I have been ultra productive today!  I finished writing and turned in an essay, gave a group presentation (which went extremely well--the professor said our class presentations were the best she'd ever seen!), bought a book that I need to read for English for next week AND read all of it, finished the last 3 lectures for my online computer class for the entire semester, and, finally, started the reading for English for 2 weeks from now.  Yes, productivity at it's best!  My goal is to get as much done as I possibly can so that I don't have to worry about anything over spring break while I'm traveling.  I'll have 2 essays (both around 10 pages) due around May 9th (break ends May 2nd), so I'd like to have already written them and only have to edit them when I come back.  After those two essays, I'll have a final for Museum Studies around May 24th and a final for my brewing class around May 16th and that should be it!  Of course, before break, I will have one group presentation for my computer class (no final!), one presentation for my brewing class, and one more presentation for Museum Studies, but that'll be it!  Yay!

In other news, my little sister Melissa is 11 today!!!  Happy birthday Melissa!!!!

P.S., we had our flat inspection today....
(clicking on it makes it bigger)


  1. Thank you!! I love you Megan!! <3

  2. Hahaha! Melissa, you made an account?! Lol! You're welcome! Love you too!

  3. Why do you have two? And why isn't your named capitalized?

  4. Lol!! Ya I wanted to make one because I didn't want to use moms any more! And I don't know why its not capitalized!
