Wednesday, May 18, 2011



May 17th
The clock eats up all
the fleeing, scampering hours.
Hopeless, I chase them.

Shout out to my older sister Kaila, happy birthday!!  I hope the party went well!

As I don't have another final for a whole week, I'm giving myself some leisure time.  Today I reached the 3rd season of Gossip Girl.  Not the best show, not even the most addicting one I've seen, but it entertains enough.  It may sound like I'm just wasting my time, but I look at it this way: I'm a creative writing major, so anytime I read a book, watch a movie, watch a TV show, or listen to music, I'm actually doing research. I'm looking at other people's creative outlets and learning from them.  

The more I watch, the more I can see writing techniques, both cliche and unique.  I can learn about how shows/movies/books twist character expectation, for instance, like when in Gossip Girl, they made the deplorable Chuck Bass lovable by showing us that his father hated him.  Cliche, but it creates sympathy for an unsympathetic character (well, I find him generally unsympathetic when he's not actually expressing his true thoughts, but I know others who still like him).  

It is quite important for me now to spend all this time on research as I will have a lot of creative writing classes next semester (Playwriting, Intermediate Fiction Writing, and Intermediate Poetry Writing).  I'll need ideas; I'll need to know how characters should communicate with each other, what they should/shouldn't say (what is cliche).  The list could go on.  All in all, my spending all this time watching TV shows on my computer is not actually me goofing off, but rather me getting a head start on next semester.  =)

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