Sunday, May 29, 2011

Going and soon to be gone.


May 28th
We leave behind what
we must and press forward to
greater adventures.

Ok, it's here again, the time when I have to pack up again and go for nearly a month without my computer (such hard times!).  It's 12:40AM right now and I leave my flat at 6:20AM tomorrow.  Guess what, I still need to pack everything!  =P  

It was hard for everyone to realize that tonight was our last night together.  Chelsea and I leave in the morning for London and our flat mate Rachel leaves to do some traveling with her mother and friend.  Our good-byes were many and prolonged.  It's hard when you've lived with someone for this long and are forced to say good-bye, knowing there's a chance you'll never see them again.  By the time my trip is done and I get back on June 17th, it'll only be Chelsea, Vanessa, and I for 3 days before they both take off and I am left here alone.  I'll still have friends here, but all my flat mates will have gone.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!  And since I won't be able to post while I'm deep into Eastern Europe, here's an early happy birthday to Matt who'll be 18 and Kelsey who'll be 15.  Also, Matt, sorry I can't be there for your high school graduation that's coming up in a few short weeks.  I would have loved to have gone.  Good night and good luck, erm, I mean good-bye!  =]

1 comment:

  1. Parting is such sweet sorrow!! The harder it is to say goodbye, the more meaningful the relationship was. It's so good that you and your flatmates got along so well and that you have wonderful shared memories!
