Thursday, January 27, 2011

Back to reality.


Jan 27th
Sleep, walk to class, shop
for groceries.  In England.
This is my life now.

For those of you anti-poetry people, here is an actual update.  I had my 3rd and last class of the week today (ridiculously sweet schedule remember?!  One class on Tuesdays, 1 (sometimes 2) on Wednesdays, and 1 on Thursdays (3 hours), and an online computer class I can take whenever I want).  The class I had today was my Museum Studies class.  I am quite excited about this.  It is rather long (3 hours), but it involves many field trips!  In fact, our first field trip is next week already at the Leeds Art Gallery.  We have another one 2 weeks later that I know about currently.  Today we discussed What is a Museum?  What is Culture? and What is value? and went over the history of museums (oh Cosimo de Medici!).  The lecture is fine and interesting, but the seating isn't very comfortable.  That made it quite hard to sit there for a few hours.  

This isn't quite what my room looks like, but the seats are the same.  They're almost too small to sit on.  And if one person in the middle wants to get up, everyone has to get up and move into the isle.

I had my Sensation Novels of the 1860s class yesterday.  It, like the rest of my classes, seems to be a pretty small class compared to UW standards.  There were about 25ish people there.  That professor's lecture was a little boring, but hopefully it will get better when we start to talk about the readings.  This class is unique in that I will only have 3 lectures the entire semester.  The first day counts as one!  The professor is in charge of seminar (what we at UW call discussion) because the class is small enough to not need a Tutor (a.k.a. a TA).  The first book we're reading, which I've already started, is Wilkie Collin's The Woman in White.  It is 633 pages long.  We have many other assigned novels about this size.  Thank goodness my schedule is pretty open or this would be too much work!  You must also remember that this is on top of all the secondary readings we must do.

I'd say my first week went quite smoothly.  I live very close to campus, almost right across the street from the Old Mining Building where my museum studies class is, and I'm excited (temporarily, I'm sure) to get back into the swing of doing homework and learning.  =)

The international student trip to Liverpool is coming up on Saturday, so more updates to come around then.  


  1. Nice job cleaning! Hey, free laundry---now THAT is something you don't get here! Aren't you kind of glad that you live so close to the university?!

  2. I suppose. Everything has its ups and downs. Leah's heat downstairs doesn't work. It's mighty cold...
