Friday, January 21, 2011


          Before coming to England I had decided on doing what my friend Emilie suggested: having a 'picture of the day' while I'm here.  Well, that plan was foiled pretty fast after not taking pictures for several days.  But, I have come up with a new solution that is tailored more towards my major and passion:  I have started doing a Haiku-a-day.  ((In case you don't know what a Haiku is, it is a very short Japanese poem consisting of three lines with syllables 5-7-5.))  Since I started this a couple days ago, this post will have all of the ones I have already written, but otherwise the rest should be posted the day of (unless I forget!).  Hope you enjoy this as well!  I just figured it would be a good way to sum up my day and also show the highlights or just how I felt, etc.

Jan 18th
Confusion spreads through
foreign city travelers.
Where is my passport?!

Seemingly prepared,
adaptor and converter- 
troubles burned my hair.  =(

Jan 20th
Meeting new people
with the same major.  Agreed:
no jobs anywhere.

Jan 21st
Last minute class change.
No more need to time travel
like Hermione!  


  1. "No need to time travel like Hermione"--haha brilliant!

    "Agreed: no jobs anywhere"--sad day :(

    Your haikus are awesome so far! It's a very creative way to keep track of your adventures! :)

  2. Thank you Emilie!!!!!!!!!! I am very glad you like them!!
