Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Traditional Alcoholic Beverages (FOOD1131).


Jan 25th
First class in England,
First lecture on wine and beer,
Firsts can be so grand

when greeted with cheer
and beer. Field trips to be planned,
now to homework land. 


  1. Lecture on liquor?
    I'm crazy jealous of that.
    Must learn with practice!

    (PS Reading your blog at work - MERIT says HI!)


  2. Nice haiku! Tell 'em all "Hi!" back for me! Miss the ol' gang! =)
    P.S., the main point of this class is that we break up into groups to make our own beer (we choose a brand new flavor, etc.), then have what the professor is calling a beer festival at the end of the semester, where we all get to try everyone else's samples, then take a vote as to who has the best! I'm sure this will be the best easy A 5 credit class ever!
