Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas break so far.

I am so glad to not have homework to do!  After a semester of 3 english classes (as usual) and a history of science course -- meaning all I did was read and write essays -- it has been nice to sit and watch TV or movies or go visit friends without having homework hanging over my head.  That is not to say, however, that break has been stress free.  I leave for England on Wednesday, January 12th.  That is in 4 days.  I have yet to pack, to do errands and buy important things I need including a backpack, and turn in my Smithsonian internship application.  There is so much to do in only 4 days!

Christmas: we had an average Christmas.  Half of us got sick, so that was not very fun.  However, on Christmas day, we continued our tradition of seeing a movie as a family.  This is kind of a big deal in my family because of how big we are.  Consider the cost of paying for 9 people (only 1 receiving a child discount) at a place like Star (now AMC) or Marcus Point.  This year's choice was The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  I enjoyed it well enough.  I have decided to start reading the books now too.  I've been getting them on audiobook so I can listen to them on the plane, train, and bus rides that are coming up.  

My mom is coming to visit me in April for my month-long spring break.  She will only be with me for the first 2 weeks, but it's taken us forever to figure out how those 2 weeks will work.  Finding cheap transportation and places to stay that aren't sketchy is really hard.  SO (shout out for those of you who don't understand this) to Andrew at STA Travel who helped us out via a phone call lasting over an hour.  He was awesome and got us good deals on plane and train rides and nice hostels to stay in that are close to city centers.  So, the plan is this: my mom will fly to Leeds getting there on March 31st.  She'll stay 2 nights in Leeds, then we'll take a bus to London (maybe, how we get to London is unclear right now.  Coming Jan. 14th we'll be able to make a decision when websites are updated).  From London, we'll take a train via the Chunnel (Channel Tunnel) to Paris, France, spending 4 nights there.  Then a short plane ride to Vienna, Austria for 2 nights.  The last portion of our vacation together begins on the 8th of April when we fly from Vienna to Dublin, Ireland.  We will be going on a tour of Ireland called the Taste of Ireland.  If you look at the link, you will see all the ridiculously fun activities they offer.  

Here are some pictures from my break. 

 They didn't fit under the tree!
 We had a white Christmas!
 Last minute Christmas shopping.
 Melissa (such a dork!!  <3)

 My mom and I love candles.

The whole family.  It is tough to get a good picture.  I kid you not.
 Some of my Christmas gifts.
 A cute tea pot Christmas ornament my mom gave me.
 I love snow flakes.

My empty apartment.  


  1. Great pictures, Megan! So glad to see you wearing the scarf! Your apartment looks so bare- I've never seen it like that. Good luck with the last minute packing and shopping and all that- I'm sure you'll get it all done. Missing you already! -Emily

  2. I love the scarf Emily! You did a great job making it! Miss you too!

  3. Your apartment looks so sad :'(
