Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Time to go.

Hello all!

The reason for this blog is here!  Today I leave for Leeds!  It is currently 7:23AM and my plane leaves at 2:25PM.  Seems like a lot of time, huh?  Well, considering that it is snowing both in Madison AND in Chicago, we thought leaving earlier is the safest idea so that we don't hit terrible traffic and miss the plane.  Also, it is not looking so good in Atlanta, Georgia, where our Chicago plane flies to.  Pray our flight doesn't get canceled like so many others at this time, please?!!  Ok, time to go!!!  I will write more (most likely tomorrow) when I get free time or else when I get to ENGLAND!!!!  


  1. Have a safe and wonderful trip. I will be checking here to see what you are up to in England. :)

  2. Glad to hear you made it safely to Atlanta----now on to Manchester! It was nice meeting Leah. She seems very nice and easygoing. Oh, the headphones are on us! Enjoy all the wonderful adventures ahead of you!! Can't wait to join you March 31st!! Blessings on your journey!

  3. Thanks Mom! Can't wait for you to come and see all of this!! We shall have to ride on the top of a double decker bus!! They're everywhere!
