Saturday, February 12, 2011

The church and its graveyard.


Feb 12th
your life may seem hard but it
is worth the effort.

Yes, today I did homework!  I am on page 417 of a 633 page book (The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins).  I set a handful of goals for myself today and have dutifully stuck to them.  I am quite proud of myself.  I am not quite where I need to be with my studies just yet, but I feel quite accomplished today!  As a treat for doing so well, I took a break this afternoon to visit the church at the end of my street.  It is a beautiful place that has been left to sit idle.  Windows in the church are broken; the outside of the building is blackened; the graveyard, though extremely fascinating, is in ruins: graves look like they've been pushed down and many have been broken into.  It's a sad sight, but still a beautiful place.

P1030590  The church.
P1030582  Broken windows.
P1030605  Looks like it's been broken into.
P1030592  Gravestones that have been knocked over.
P1030585  Overall, a neat place.


  1. What do you think of The Woman in White? I read it for fun a while ago and really liked it.

  2. I think it's kind of boring. It's just so long. However, the last 100 pages I read finally started to move the plot forward.
