Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Love kick starts again.


Feb 2nd
Starting to really
love British music over
here. Love Example.


Seriously, this song is super catchy, beware!  Today is a day of homework (more reading The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins), listening to British music, and hanging out.  I cannot tell you how jealous I am of everyone in Madison!  The blizzard has caused them to close down the schools.  UW-Madison has had to close twice now in 2 years!  This never happens!  Oddly enough, I kind of miss the snow.  I don't miss being cold (although there are still times I get cold over here), but snow is beautiful.  Everyone in Madison, enjoy your snow day!!!  I still had to go to class today... (English seminar, 10 students, not too bad but I felt a little underprepared.)


  1. Megan I really love reading your blogs because you are very detailed---makes me feel that I am there too! And keep the pictures coming; they add the "color" to your words. Nicely done!

  2. Thanks! I'll add more pictures soon. I'm sure I'll take some good ones in York. Also, mom, did you listen to the Example song yet? If so, what do you think? It's very catchy!

  3. Very catchy!! I kind of like it! Send more examples.
