Saturday, February 26, 2011

I don't want to be sick.


Feb 26th
Lake District and colds
don’t mix very well. Maybe
sleep will do me good?

I'm not feeling very well today, so blogging is going to be cut short.  You will have to wait until tomorrow to get pictures of the Hogwarts Express in York and my trip to the Lake District (Windermere).  Hopefully I will be feeling well by then.  Keep me and my health in your prayers!  I feel terrible.  =(


  1. I will pray for you!! Glad you got to ride the train!

    I can't believe those guys locked your door! What would you have done if your flatmates weren't home??!!

    Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Thanks! I need the prayer. I don't like feeling sick. It's horrible.
    If my flatmates hadn't been home, I wouldn't have even been able to run to the office b/c the gate to get out of the building has to be unlocked from the inside. I would have been stuck in the kitchen waiting for someone to come home.

  3. Get better soon, Megan! It's no fun being sick so far away from home!
