Sunday, February 13, 2011

A grocery shopping day.


Feb 13th
Whether weather wanes
or whether weather waxes,
I wait wanting warmth.

I hear today was warmer in Madison than it was in Leeds!  Craziness!  Today, Roxanne, Leah, Chelsea, and I walked down through the rain to one of the grocery stores in the city center.  After shopping for ourselves and for our flatmate dinner that we'll be having tomorrow night, we walked back outside with our thousands of grocery bags in hands, arms, and everywhere else, through more rain back home.  It was incredibly painful bringing everything back!  I swear I'll come back with nicely toned muscles because of grocery shopping here!  The walk itself is only about 15 minutes I would say, but the walk back took us much longer because we had to constantly stop to adjust the bags.  The things we do to avoid spending money on a taxi!  The rest of the day was spent in doing homework.  Yay for setting goals and keeping them.  I should be finished with TWiW with about 4 more hours of reading.  It is finally getting more interesting, however, it is still an overall slow book and the characters are quite infuriating!  At least the fragments of the novel are coming together finally, as they should do seeing as there are only about 100 pages left to go...
Making apple pie in the morning and enchiladas in the late afternoon for our flatmate potluck dinner for Valentine's Day!  I cannot wait for all the food we will be having! 


  1. One of my favorite poems so far!!
    I wish your package would come today, but it probably won't. So, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!

  2. Thanks mom! I'll let you know when the package comes. ¡Feliz día de San Valentín también! You should be able to read that! ;)
